UN-accepted as He walked the
Earth and shed His blood so that we may have life
Dispite the anguish He accepted His calling and exited the
stage with grace through the strife
Eternal life -OR- death is
now our choice and the wages are heavy
Constant test and trials of life remain steady
Even THO-ugh the road is long
and weary, the lessons are great
Knowing that my Savior walks with me through it and teaches
me how to love through the hate
The average closed mind that meets its double sided tongue
is filled with para-DOX
So I find myself consistently rebuking a foolish tongue and
revealing truth to the flock
I am strong, but weak in lonliness.
Free, but enslaved to the duty of my purpose as a servant
That is the true definition of any chosen one that has to
tred amongst the serpents
I try not to repeat mistakes, when I fall short forgiveness
is sought when I repent
I close off from the world and turn on my third eye while
trying to listen twice as much as I speak
True divinity through the spirit of the Holy one in the life
after is what I am trying to seek
My approach is not typical for common thought, nor is my
vision clear to blind eyes
I may appear to be average flesh and bone but within my
spirit is where the treasure lies
It gives me power, perserverance and insight to decern with
It gives translation to my foreign tongue so when I pray the
enemy has no say
So as God troubles the water, my purified currents flow free
The name of the body is Maji, and the UN-OR-THO-DOX being is me.
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